Posts tagged ‘life’

August 23, 2011


This post is not meant to offend anyone.  And if it does, I’m sorry, but first and foremost this blog is for myself (I’m selfish like that) and I have to be honest.  Things have changed, and it’s hard for me to admit it, but here goes…

Let’s start at the beginning.  I have had a lot of dietary changes in the last year.  I had come home from studying abroad with 25 extra travel pounds on me.  Too much indulging, not enough exercising.  Sure, there was walking around the various cities but my love for chocolate muffins greatly surpassed my caloric burn.  I obviously was not too happy when I returned.  I jumped right into a full-time internship and managed to get exercise a part of my life again, but my eating habits stuck and I was eating way more than I needed to and way too much sugar.  A little over a year ago, Kinley and I decided to try out the South Beach Diet to start losing weight – I was so desperate that nothing was working a crash diet was all I could think of to get me back to “normal”.  I did manage to lose weight, putting a good dent into what I had to lose but it stopped after the two week “Phase 1”.

It took me until the end of September, my birthday to be exact, for me to figure out what my next plan would be.  I decided on calorie counting (restricting) and stuck with it for quite awhile… Sure, there were plenty of “cheat” days, but I was doing something right because I was losing weight every week.  I also started running at this point and was being successful overall – I felt better about myself and my pants were starting to fall off (that was a good thing ;) ).  Because of the obsessive behavior I developed associated with calorie counting, a lot of foods in the household ended up being packaged – so I could weigh it out and know exactly how many calories I was consuming…  At the beginning of January was my first experiment with being a vegetarian.  Kin and I went to NYC for a long weekend and as an effort to save money we decided to not eat meat – and it was very, very tasty.  Boca crumbles came in a nice little package with the nutritional facts on them, and they were cheaper than beef so we subbed them in for a lot of our regular meals, so they were a win-win at that point.

In February, I stopped losing weight.  I thought I was doing everything the same and still had a ways to go with my weightloss and nothing I did seemed to help.  Lower calories, increase calories, increase exercising, decrease exercising….  So many things were attempted and nothing was working.  Combine that stress with the stress of an internship and the stress of my last semester of college (completing my BS and MBA) and needless to say I was a bit high strung, which probably wasn’t helping either.

In March, we decided to give up buying meat but I would still order it out occasionally, but not often since we didn’t go out to eat much.

April was a big change.  No meat and we gave up all processed foods.  Clean eating, if you will.  The first week eating clean and I was feeling better than ever.  After a few weeks I was not feeling the effects of eating well anymore, and I also made the jump to give up dairy.  I never thought my body was the biggest fan – I would get a rash around my mouth when I was little and my mouth would itch occasionally when I would have ice cream – and I never drank milk anyways so that was not a tough transition for me.  Almond milk was my friend!

At the end of May, I had been off dairy for a month and for my graduation party I had (quite a bit) of the buttercream frosting.  The whole next day was miserable.  I was sooo sickly feeling and I could barely eat and absolutely nothing tasted good.  It got better after a few days but I was pretty certain dairy was not my friend.

June I kept feeling not so good, weird stomachaches quite a bit but it was generally better than what I had previously, and nowhere near as bad as the day after my grad party.  Mid to Late June Kinley and I used a Groupon for some Breadsmith bread – which is a delicious bread bakery around here.  After having quite a few slices over the course of the weekend, Monday was quite miserable.  Headache, stomachache, just all around nausea.  Gluten, are you doing this to me?  I had been eating primarily sprouted bread rather than regular and the Breadsmith loaf seemed to set me over the edge.  So, goodbye bread of any kind for a couple of weeks to see if that helps.

It did help quite a bit, less stomachaches but they were still lingering but headaches were gone.  July 4th we cooked out… and decided to split a half of a sprouted wheat hot dog bun.  It was so delicious after not eating wheat for a couple of weeks but within a half hour, my body was definitely not happy.  Our “diets” became extremely limited very quickly.  No meat, dairy, processed foods or gluten.  I felt good after giving up gluten, but one thing I was not happy about was that I had been GAINING weight and for no apparent reason.  I was eating good portions of healthy, whole foods and doing what I thought my body wanted.  Something was still making it tick!

That’s when the thoughts started… I wanted to eat meat.  Life would be so much simpler but I would feel like a horrible person – giving up on what I believed in.  But the thoughts never went away and instead of cringing when I would see meat being served, I would want to be served it as well.  It’s really strange, but Kinley and I came to this realization on our own.  That we needed more protein.  Yes, vegetarians and vegans can get an ample amount of protein, and I was trying, but my body, for some reason, was not liking the semi-vegan food I was feeding it.

It was a hard decision.  I had worked to fuel myself with plants and to be better for the environment, but my body was not happy, and for once in the past year I actually decided to listen.  No more fad diets, no restrictions (except for the necessary gluten + some dairy) and fueling myself to live and thrive.  It’s been almost two weeks now that I have been eating meat again, and meat will by no means take over this blog, but I might occasionally put a recipe up containing meat (although I will always give the option for the substitution of tofu and tempeh).  Mondays will always be Meatless Mondays and I do enjoy a ton of Vegan dishes.  I am finally feeling “normal”.  No more inexplainable weight gain, extremely few stomachaches (although those were mostly to do with sneaky gluten) and I am running faster than ever.  I realize I might lose readers and followers by making the switch, and it’s understandable, but for once I am doing what is right for me.  And I am still keeping the environment in mind as well and being as mindful as I can be about where everything is coming from (Lorganic, if you will).

I tried.  I failed.  It was a tough learning curve.  I am finally listening to my body and giving it what it needs right now – whether to repair the damage I have inflicted on myself over the past year, or for some other reason.  It was a personal decision and it was a struggle to get there… now here’s to hoping I continue to recover and feel better.

Thanks to anyone who made it through the end of the post :).

May 18, 2011

what makes me, me

This is a hard question for me to answer. Why would anyone read what I write? Well, I have spent plenty of time on other blogs reading, learning and picking up recipes (to be quite honest, it’s a little bit of an obsession of mine), so I decided to combine what I have learned as well as impart some of my own experience to hopefully help others avoid some of the errors I have made along the way.  I also mentioned previously that I managed a different blog when I was studying abroad in London. I did that mainly to keep in contact with friends and family since it was hard to keep everyone updated individually! I really enjoyed it and found out that I was actually a fairly good writer. I was told by many people that they enjoyed reading my updates and there were requests to keep something going once I returned, but I never ended up getting anything set up since I didn’t think I had anything to write about anymore. So there’s a brief history of my blogging!

And why did I decide to get into blogging again? As I was nearing the end of my education without a job in sight, I knew I would need to do something to both help fill my free time as well as potentially help in my job search (marketing + blogging = good experience). Keeping a handle on my writing is also a benefit of pushing myself to write informatively and continuing to (try to) make things intriguing!  So, starting a blog was a no brainer. Now, for the topic…

I’m basing it off of things I am passionate for. Baking (and some cooking), running, yoga, traveling and marketing are all things I truly enjoy and love doing and try to do as much as I can and being able to experience a little bit of everything will definitely help my time to pass during the days.

A small fraction of what I baked this past December

My love of baking goes waaay back, I have always had a sweet tooth and being able to make my own treats was always my preference. I’ve even had a small Christmas cookie business the past few years which has always been a highlight of my December, albeit an incredibly stressful time in my life! Owning a bakery at some point in my life would be incredible (I’ve got a lot of dreams ;) ). My baking style has changed quite a bit from the early days of experimenting with recipes, including the recipes I used this past Christmas, which will be evident in future posts I’m sure!

This is the only picture I have of me running (from NYC trip in January)

Running on the other hand is a relatively recent endeavor, I’ll go more in depth on my history of running sometime in the near future.  I like to read about other people’s journey to running or other exercising, so I will share my story with you guys.  And I have definitely grown to love it over the past few months, and having the Disney 1/2 marathon to look forward to in January 2012 definitely has me motivated to keep going!

No pictures of me doing yoga either... but I have the green mat and it is AMAZING!

Yoga has been a part of my life for the past year and my practice has grown a lot in that time. I am doing poses I never thought I would be able to do, and I know there is still so much more that I am hoping to accomplish in the future! I try to practice at least two times a week, (shout out to Strive Yoga!), and if I can’t make it there I have some DVD’s I also enjoy.

London is my favorite :)

Traveling has always been a passion since my first airplane trip when I was 4, but I really got to experience it when I studied abroad and got to not only be in London, but also the entire United Kingdom (Scotland & Wales), Ireland, France, Belgium, Italy and Germany. I have traveled around the US quite a bit as well, but there are still so many places to go! I’ll have to do some look-backs on my favorite highlights in each country.

Oh Twitter...

Finally, I must admit I am a bit of a marketing junkie. I’m relatively new to the marketing world but I try to keep myself up-to-date on all the hot marketing news. I also love social media, but hate Twitter.  I have one, I have followers, but I’ve only tweeted like 30 times in the last year and a half… maybe I’ll find enjoyment in it one day… maybe… don’t hold your breath.

As you can see, I enjoy doing a lot of different things and like to stay busy. As the blog progresses I will go further into each one of my passions. In addition to what I listed above, I am also focused on nutrition and living as healthily as I can which will be reflected in my posts. Having extra free time this summer will give me time to train for upcoming runs as well as spend time in the kitchen to experiment with more nutrient-dense recipes. I am looking to do a few day/weekend trips over the summer as well (having/not having a job will greatly impact what I can afford to do!). Hopefully my blog will end up being well balanced and enjoyable to both myself and my (future) readers!
