Archive for ‘garden’

July 8, 2011

spontaneous garden {update}

You might remember this spontaneous garden we planted near the beginning of June, just about a month ago.  Well, many things can change in a month.  Can you believe that little garden has grown and already produced some produce?

Hopefully this head of broccoli is still good… I cut it off today but I think it might have been left a little too long… but I ate a piece and it is tasty so hopefully we don’t have to scrap it!

This spaghetti squash continues to grow longer and longer… there have been some huge flowers on it but no signs yet of a squash.  I think they come after the flower goes away so we may have awhile yet.

Zucchini!  We have (at last count) SEVEN zucchini growing!  One has a teeny nibble out of it, but nothing else so hopefully whoever bit the one found another garden somewhere else!

And something I noticed this morning – little tomatoes!  They’re so cute, can’t wait until they’re red!

Little blossoms on the beans.

As well as the peppers although it looks like something more is about to come!

Unfortunately the eggplant never really established so it’s not looking too healthy.  Might have to move that to make way for the tomato plants that were originally put in the planters!

The squash on the left was actually grown from a seed – can you believe it?  That will need to be transplanted soon!  Strawberries (on right) haven’t given us anything for a while…

And of course, Crosby has continued to keep close watch on the garden!

I think he’s the only one of us who has a green thumb!  Thanks, Crosby!

June 6, 2011

spontaneous garden

Yesterday was gorgeous.  Sunny, warm, it was a shame to be inside.  I woke up very early for a weekend, before 7am.  I guess when technically every day is a weekend for me and I rarely use an alarm clock, I naturally wake up early.  Not quite as sleep deprived as I used to be ;).

We had plans to head to Breadsmith to use up a Groupon I bought a few weeks back (3 loaves of bread for $7!).  They didn’t open until 8, so we relaxed around for a bit before heading to get some fresh baked bread!  Someone definitely wanted to come with… he loves little trips in the car, especially when he can walk around the block in a different place!

We decided to get Honey Sunflower Whole Wheat which was  Sunday special – and was made with 100% whole wheat!  We came home, Kinley made us french toast with the new bread and then we headed back outside to do some yard work.  Kinley mowed and I took a clippers to some expanding bushes in the back yard.  Then, inspiration struck.  Let’s plant a garden in this weeded over plot of dirt in the back yard!  haha.

We headed to a nearby garden store, bought some seedlings and brought them home.  After digging holes and filling with some new plant soil, the seedlings were ready to go in.

Also, some fertilizer spikes to help these babies grow… hopefully.

I made sure to give them plenty of water.

Please grow.