Posts tagged ‘clif bar’

August 31, 2011


I’ve been thinking quite a bit about my running pace recently.  After deciding to forego my longer runs to focus on my form, I have seen a dramatic increase in my pace (specifically on my Saturday 5k runs + 5k walk back).  The first weekend doing this workout I finished in 30:00 – over a minute and a half faster than my previous pr on my Nike+, and a whopping 4:30+ minutes less than my 5k pace at my one and only 5k race this past fall.  I was shocked at my ability – and this past weekend?  I blew 30:00 out of the water with under 28:30!.

Granted, this is not a speedy speed for a lot of runners, but it is for me.  I can tell that I am working harder running the faster speeds, but it helps knowing I only have a little over 3 miles to keep it up.  I remember I used to wish I could run 3 miles even just last summer – and I was unable to.  And now I am running the entire thing and running it fast!  It still shocks and amazes me of what our bodies are capable of.

Now, speaking of capabilities, I am not currently capable of running a 1/2 marathon.  Well, I might be, but it wouldn’t be pretty.  Good thing I have until January for my first at Walt Disney World!  (By the way, check out my guest post on Healthy Disney today!).  Since this is my first 1/2 marathon, I know I should not have a set goal time in mind, but that’s not always how I work.  I am usually competitive and it frustrates me that even though I want to be competitive at running – I will never be a great runner.  I’ll get over it… maybe.

Kinley decided to sign up for the Clif Bar Pace Team for the Disney race – to see what it would be like with someone else pacing you rather than having to think about it yourself.  Well, even though I signed up for a slower pace time, I decided I would contemplate running with a pace team as well.  What’s really nice about the Clif Bar Pace Team is that it is FREE, and it has absolutely no obligation – meaning if I didn’t want to run with them come race day, I wouldn’t have to.  I could also switch my pace group I was running with the day of the expo in case I find my speedy marathon legs within the next few months.

Something else that’s awesome about the Clif Bar Pace Team??  They send you FREE products to try and I just to happened to get my first on Monday!

It included a Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Clif Bar, a Raspberry Clif Shot, and a Cran-Razz Clif Block.  Can’t wait to start my training and increase my distance so I need these!  Speaking of training – I should probably think of what training plan I’m going to do and see when I’ll need to start!

July 6, 2011

what i ate wednesday #7

Wow, has it really been 7 weeks since I first joined WIAW with Peas and Crayons?!  Many things have changed since my first post in terms of eating, but I am gradually feeling better and realizing what my body likes and doesn’t like – just wish it wasn’t such a process to get there!  Well, I tried half of a sprouted wheat bun on Monday night with dinner, and let me tell you my body definitely did not like me.  I was hoping sprouted wheat was going to be okay, but I guess not.  I was feeling so off last night for dinner that all I could manage was a bowl of fruit…  My appetite was better than that today fortunately, so here are my eats!


New oat combination!  1/4c rollet oats + 1/4c oat bran mixed with 1 1/2 cups water.  Bring to a boil and then cook for around 10 minutes with a half of a banana whisked in at the end – so fluffy!  Topped with sunbutter, blueberries and some sucanat + cinnamon.  Also had one of my Gluten Free & Dairy Free French Breakfast Puffs on the side.  These things are sooo good.

Mid-Morning Snack:

Photo shoot of the muffins – I ate this exact one.

Plus a bowl of fruit – strawberries and pineapple are one of my favorite mixes!


Brown Rice Wrap with hummus + lettuce with carrots on the side.  Also had two of the Gluten Free & Dairy Free French Breakfast Puffs after – they’re so good I couldn’t resist!

Afternoon Snack:

One of the new Coconut Chocolate Chip Clif Bars – I think this is my favorite flavor.


Salad with leftover roasted veggies, homemade bean + beet burger with ketchup.  On the side?  Just half of the most delicious Millet/Flax Bagel from Sami’s Bakery.  The best part?  They’re gluten free!  Oh my goodness, I stumbled upon these at a store I was at today and just had to get them.  I also got a loaf of Millet/Flax bread and a pizza crust!  They are the first gluten free baked goods I have gotten, and their ingredients are all amazing – nothing weird at all which is saying something for packaged gluten free products.  Definitely excited to try out all their goodies since this one was delicious!

June 29, 2011

what i ate wednesday #6


It’s finally starting to feel like summer here!  The first half of the week has been gorgeous weather wise and most of the rest of the week looks like it’ll be about the same!  I’ve definitely been going out to enjoy the sunshine :).  Yesterday, my friend Emilee did a mini-photoshoot with me to try out a new lens she got.  We walked around the Third Ward in downtown Milwaukee and the pictures turned out great!  I also learned I have to practice my serious not-so-mad looking face haha.  To check out my photos and Emilee’s other great photos (engagements, weddings, senior photos) check out her website blog!

Now, onto my eats for the day…


I was starving for breakfast this morning.  I had been planning on going for a run before breakfast but that wasn’t happening.  So I ate steel-cut oats made with chia, with a banana, a peach, some ground flax, a little granola and topped with the last remnants of the Honey Almond Butter.  This bowl was delicious.

Post-Run Snack

I ran a 5k and came back famished again… I don’t know what was with my hunger.  I ate a chocolate brownie clif bar and had some Earl Grey Ice Tea (I brewed a cup of tea and then put it in the fridge for a few hours & served over ice!).


My friend Ashley came over today and I made up a small batch of Veggie Fried Rice for us for lunch.

Crosby also had to get his Vitamin D in for the day.  I really didn’t put this out for him… but he sure took it over ;).

Mid-Afternoon Snack

Afternoon snack was some cantaloupe and papaya with a wedge of Cinnamon Pumpkin Coffee Cake.


I used the grill for the first time by myself today!  I made the most delicious sweet potatoes, just rolled in foil and put on for about an hour.  Also had some Lentils in Sloppy Joe sauce (ketchup + honey + mustard + spices) and carrots with TJ’s avocado hummus.  Avocado hummus is one of the best creations ever.

Kinley’s now working on some gluten-free bread so if it turns out, I might have a slice of that before bed.

This Wednesday is also the opening of Summerfest in Milwaukee!  And now starts a countdown to Kinley’s Summerfest 1/2 Marathon on July 10th!